IMO Classes

The Carriage of dangerous goods and marine pollutants in sea-going ships is respectively regulated in the International Convention for the Safety of the Life at Sea (SOLAS) and the International Convention for the Prevention of pollution from Ships (MARPOL).

Relevant parts of both SOLAS and MARPOL have been worked out in great detail and are included in the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code, thus making this Code the legal instrument for maritime transport of dangerous goods and marine pollutants. As of 1st January 2004, the IMDG Code will become a mandatory requirement.

Classification of dangerous goods

For all modes of transport (sea, air, rail, road and inland waterways) the classification (grouping) of dangerous goods, by type of risk involved, has been drawn up by the UNITED NATIONS Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods (UN).


Class 8


1.为本分"腐蚀性物品"的目的 (类 8) 是指一种液体或固体,导致人类皮肤的接触部位在指定时间段内的全厚度破坏。一种液体,有严重的腐蚀速率对钢或铝也是腐蚀性的物质。

2.如果人类经验或其他数据表明危害的一种材料是大于或小于由本节第 (a) 款所指明的测试的结果表明,规划局可能修改及其分类,或确定材料却不本分的要求。

3.皮肤腐蚀试验数据产生不迟于 1995 年 9 月 30 日,使用 49CFR 173,附录 A 的程序,实际上在 1995 年 9 月 30 日 (见附录 A 49CFR 部分 173 日 1994 年 10 月 1 日修订) 适当的曝光时间可用于分类和分配包装组类 8 材料腐蚀皮肤。

454 千克 (1001 磅) 或更多总重量的腐蚀性的物质。虽然腐蚀类包括酸和碱,危险材料加载和隔离图表不会任何提到从彼此各不相容的腐蚀性物料的分离。尽管这样,然而,当航运腐蚀剂护理应采取以确保不相容的腐蚀性材料不却变得复杂,因为许多腐蚀剂的反应非常猛烈地如果混合。响应涉及腐蚀性材料 (尤其是腐蚀剂的混合物) 的交通事件,应该谨慎。