Wan Hai Container Tracking

Wan Hai Line was founded in 1965. At the beginning, Wan Hai's business was mainly on the log transportation among Taiwan, Japan and the Southeast Asia. In 1976, in order to respond to the rapid development of international trade in the Asia Pacific area and the trend of international transportation containerization, Wan Hai has successfully transformed and entered the business of fully-container vessel shipping. Wan Hai has more than 30 years of experiences in shipping, comprehensive hardware and software equipment, and professional services from our staff. This has made Wan Hai the carrier with the most intensive voyages and complete service network in Asia.

Wan Hai's shipping routes include Taiwan, Kanton and Kansai areas of Japan, Korea, Mainland China, Hong Kong, Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Vietnam, Burma, Cambodia, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and the Middle East. Wan Hai provides fully-container vessel shipping with regular route among these areas. With complete network service, Wan Hai has its subsidiaries and agents all over Asia's major cities and ports. In 2004, Wan Hai Line has 66 fullly-container vessels in operation, with capacity over 90,000 TEU. In addition to the exclusive terminal in West 17 of Keelung, Wan Hai also leased No.34, No.35, No.63, No.64 in Taichung and Kaohsiung, which makes Wan Hai the only carrier in Taiwan with exclusive terminals in the northern, middle and southern parts of the island. So far, 15 routes of the present 20 routes in operation provide direct calling to 43 major international commercial ports in Asia, which is the most comprehensive and intensive service network available in Asia.