IMO Classes

The Carriage of dangerous goods and marine pollutants in sea-going ships is respectively regulated in the International Convention for the Safety of the Life at Sea (SOLAS) and the International Convention for the Prevention of pollution from Ships (MARPOL).

Relevant parts of both SOLAS and MARPOL have been worked out in great detail and are included in the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code, thus making this Code the legal instrument for maritime transport of dangerous goods and marine pollutants. As of 1st January 2004, the IMDG Code will become a mandatory requirement.

Classification of dangerous goods

For all modes of transport (sea, air, rail, road and inland waterways) the classification (grouping) of dangerous goods, by type of risk involved, has been drawn up by the UNITED NATIONS Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods (UN).

Class 9: Miscellaneous

Class 9


운송 중에 위험이 있지만 다른 위험 등급의 정의를 충족시키지 못하는 물질. 이 클래스에는 다음이 포함됩니다.

1. 배정 된 임무를 올바르게 수행하지 못하도록 비행 승무원에게 극도의 성가심이나 불쾌감을 줄 수있는 마취, 유해 또는 기타 유사한 성질을 가진 물질. 또는

2. 고온 물질, 유해 물질, 유해 폐기물 또는 해양 오염 물질에 사용되는 물질.