SeaRates Updates - Week 22, 2023

The SeaRates team appreciates your loyalty and is constantly improving our services. We strive for your success by constantly improving our platform. We are happy to announce our updates and believe that they will be helpful to you.

To stay up-to-date with our latest updates, be sure to check out our previous updates.

What's new for week 22:

  • Tracking System improvements. We have made enhancements to the way we work with providers, including Maersk, Shipco Transport, Yang Ming, Hyundai Merchant Marine (HMM), ZIM, and COSCO. Also, we have updated the Metadata field in the Tracking System API by adding shipping statuses like PLANNED, IN_TRANSIT, and DELIVERED and full name of the shipping line with SCAC.
  • Ship Schedules update. We have made improvements to the Ship Schedules tool on the way we work with providers, including PIL and Maersk by Points tab, as well as Yang Ming by Vessel tab.

Subscribe to our channel to keep informed of the latest developments, and feel free to share your feedback and ideas in our chat room as we prepare for the next phase of improvement.

Sophia Shkuro is a content manager from Dnipro, Ukraine. Believes that the more complex a thing is, the easier it should be to write about it. Dreams of a future vacation by the sea.