China Shipping Container Tracking

CSNA - China Shipping North America - refers to two related companies: China Shipping (North America) Holding Co., Ltd. (“CSNA Holding”) and China Shipping (North America) Agency Co., Inc. (“CSNA Agency”).

CSCL, the line or the principal, engages in container transportation and related services. It provides freight transportation services including storage, transshipment, customs arrival manifest filing, intermodal on-carriage and a host of other value-added services including container tracking.

As of November 2006, CSCL has a young and modern fleet that comprises 151 full container vessels with a total operating capacity of 408,546 TEUs, and operates dozens of domestic coastal routes and international routes between China and Japan, Korea, Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia, Australia, Mediterranean Sea, USA, Europe and other destinations. The Company network covers the main ports of China, Japan, Korea and Southeast Asia. More than any other carrier, CSCL calls 12 China base ports plus most river ports along the Yangtze River, the Pearl River and their branches, providing fast, safe, and economical transportation for all containerized freight. A total of more than 40 international routes round out the current service profile of the Line and this number is constantly increasing.

CSCL in China has its own international cargo agency, container yard and container lorries companies. Depending on up-to-date equipment, the latest technology and strict cost management, CSCL plans to share a bright and prosperous future with its affiliated companies, its customers and partners worldwide. Owing to its extremely aggressive growth strategy, using new builds and charters as well as rapid development and deployment of new resources for intermodal and information services, CSCL has rapidly become a force to be reckoned with in containerized freight transportation in all East and West trades around the globe. CSCL is looking forward to serving its customers on the high seas and beyond.

CSG, the parent company of CSCL and CSNA, was founded on July 1, 1997 and is headquartered in Shanghai. It is one of the 44 key state-owned enterprises under the direct administration of the Central Government and is a super-large shipping conglomerate that operates globally in various shipping and logistics sectors. With CSCL as its core, CSG has total assets of RMB 40 billion (US$4.82 billion @ RMB8.3/US$). Under its umbrella, there are five specialized shipping fleets of container vessels, oil tankers, tramps, passenger ships and special cargo ships, comprising 400 vessels with an aggregate deadweight of 11.5 million tons. Today, CSG has diversified into businesses of integrated logistics, terminal management, finance and investment, engineering and labor service, supply and trading, and information technology.