SeaRates Updates - Week 1-4, 2019

We have not waited too long after the holidays, and have not relaxed, since the beginning of the year we began to implement the planned functions. Against the backdrop of global digitisation, as well as the competition of digital startups in logistics, especially in the United States, it is very important to systematically produce the expected products and services that more accurately meet the expectations of customers - shippers, importers and exporters. Progress will not wait.

Don’t forget to refresh the post on the latest updates in 2018 here. Let's go.

New Transit Time Calculation system

The development that has been in the plans for a long time - transit times based on real tracking data from shipping lines. It can be called the most advanced system of calculating transit time, because it is built on the constant statistics of tracking about 2 million containers in Real Data Analysis mode.

Now, regardless of changes in shipping lines services (new transshipment ports, reduced or increased shipping time), relevant information is always displayed on the Logistics Explorer platform, as well as Distances & Time on the corresponding shipping lines, and it comes from the last tracked containers arrived to the ports of destination. Since tracking information is updated every day - the system can calculate the actual location of each container in the sea on a certain route, and deduce the average of several events committed.

For example, here is the Hapag Lloyd shipping line’s data for the containers arrived on the last day:

Each of these systems - Tracking, Logistics Explorer and Distances & Time can be installed on your site, in case of interest, write to [email protected].

Updated API for tracking system

Nice news for developers using the tracking API for third-party products, their own ERP- and TMS-systems, as well as for the execution of projects of other customers. They usually need a test key to see how the data is passed and how each request is processed. Now the documentation provides a demo mode, which accurately reflects how the data exchange process will take place.

Recall that this data transfer can occur in the format of .json, .ajax, .xml, and others by the Post/Get method.

On requests of API connection please write to us on [email protected], and your personal manager will help with integration.

Alternative routes

At the end of the year our developers tested a new system of artificial intelligence, analyzing Big-Data with thousands of combinations of routes and variants of delivery of the same cargo between the same points. At the end of January, we were finally able to publish a working prototype that also operates within the Logistics Explorer platform.

Below is an example for container transportation from Dalian Port, China with to-door delivery at Moscow, Russia. The principle of work is built on the balance of proposals in the format "Cheaper / Faster / Optimal", where optimal means the best ratio of price and speed of delivery. Please keep in mind that in container transportations the formula "Faster means more expensive" does not work, so now you will not need to spend time to collect various offers and their analysis manually: the computer will do it instead of you in just a few seconds. In our example, on the actual market condition in January 2019 the cheapest variant was delivery of cargo in a container via the port of Vladivostok, then by railway to Moscow; the best optimal solution is delivery via the port of Novorossiysk. In this case, the routing on the map is rebuilt automatically, as well as the details of transit time and other additional information.

In the future, the system will also be able to offer other modes of transport and show the possibility of delivery by other means of transportation (e.g. trucking instead of container or air freight instead of LCL).

Do you like the Logistics Explorer platform? Or do you have any custom requirements for calculating tariffs on your website? Write to [email protected] and learn about the benefits and opportunities of individual solutions for your logistics business.

Launch of B2B-Online Marketplace

As many have long known, we at have never been afraid of experimentation and for a long time we are testing different solutions for trading business. In 2017, for example, we launched a successful project Easytrading, which has an online showcase of products sold for export from different countries. The export module is integrated with Logistics Explorer API and in automatic mode transmits data on freight cost (and other elements of delivery and logistics), and then offers the buyer the total value of goods per unit (tons, m3, etc.) on those Incoterms, which they has chosen (for example a buyer from Korea calculates the value of wheat supplied from Brazil on CIF Busan).

We keep developing this theme and this time we take into account even more parameters. Now users can add their products to potential buyers, connect forwarders working on,, and platforms to the personal cabinet and automatically load their tariffs, which will participate in calculating the delivery of the goods to the final buyer.

This version considers the possibility of combined loading of different types of goods into one container (etc. transport), and in the future will be able to form packing lists. On the next stage the ready cargo plan will be displayed inside the transport unit, using all the features of the Load Calculator application, optimizing the space and allowing to save on the unit delivery.

After that, the Logistics Explorer module will allow you to get the best cost of final delivery, and if necessary contact the transport company that will carry out the transportation, to clarify details.

If you have other suggestions to improve the functionality, you would like to subscribe to one of the available services, or you are interested in the integration of ready-made solutions for your business - write to us at [email protected]!

We invite you to join our open group for communication on international transport activities, as well as our Telegram channel for shipping innovations and industry updates - join us now!

SeaRates Ukraine branch manager and developer.

Performing project management and responsible for SeaRates updates as well as agent network coordination.

Consulting IT team and controlling local support.

Husband, father and believer. Love bikes and making music!

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