What is Door-to-Door Shipping? Understanding Key Logistics Terms

Getting ready for the shipping season without knowing basic logistics definitions? Our team will fill in the gaps in your knowledge and explain the fundamental principles of delivery. This article contains an overview of the nuances of Door-to-door delivery and the practical aspects of this delivery mode. We will analyze the advantages and importance of the D2D method of cargo transportation for your business.

Definition of Door-to-door shipment service

To define the term "Door-to-door delivery", let's look at the infographic:

The visual representation of the two endpoints of transportation, "doors," immediately allows us to form a clear definition of the acronym D2D:

Door-to-door is a type of transportation in which the "Doors" are warehouses, factories, or other points specified by the shipper and consignee. All the shippers have to do is indicate the addresses of these places. DTD (D2D) transportation is carried out between points that are within the field of responsibility and coverage of the carrier or freight forwarder.

How is the D2D service used in practice?

Freight shipments in the Door-to-door format are used both for domestic transportation within the country and for international logistics operations. If a carrier has an extensive network of services between major terminals, locations around the world, or specific regions, it strengthens its competitiveness by providing convenient services to more drop shippers interested in D2D delivery.

  • In practice, shippers request a carrier that offers favorable tariffs for the required destinations and order D2D delivery, specify addresses, and provide details of the goods.
  • After that, the freight forwarder picks up the goods and transports them from the address specified by the shipper (which could be a warehouse, factory, etc.) to the port of departure, where he handles the necessary documents and customer clearance.
  • At the port of departure, the responsibility for the cargo shipments may remain with the same freight forwarder (as in the case of Inter-Carrier drayage) or be transferred to another carrier that carries out the shipment to the port of destination or transshipment point.
  • From there, the carriers deliver the cargo to the consignee's address "to the Door".

We should also emphasize intermodal shipping, as D2D is common in this format. This happens because you can face the following concerns with intermodal transportation:

  • In the case of a delay by the shipping line or logistics provider, the only thing you have to do is try to hastily organize your own cargo transportation from the port or terminal. However, then increase your transportation budget by adding detention and demurrage fees.
  • Sometimes there is a failure to communicate with the carrier and inconsistency in the time of execution and completion of port operations, such as loading/unloading, etc.
  • Insufficient control over transportation processes and inconsistency of operations between many parties

Therefore, it is worth considering what benefits you get from using Door-to-door delivery services.

The main advantages of Door-to-Door shipping

  • The versatility of the service is impressive; carriers can conveniently deliver goods to your customers, and shippers can order cargo to a convenient address for both international and domestic transportation.
  • Cost-effective transportation. It will always be more expensive to contract with multiple carriers. For Door-to-door shipping, there is an opportunity to save money by making arrangements with one or two freight forwarders who will handle, monitor, and carry out the entire supply chain process from start to finish. In addition, the freight rate quoted for Door-to-door transportation already includes customs duties and fees for other logistics procedures, which simplifies transportation for all parties.
  • Delivery optimization is achieved through a sequential cargo shipment between the specified locations. It also minimizes the risk of loss of goods and ensures transparency and safety in transportation.
  • With favorable prices and convenient cargo delivery for shippers, freight forwarders increase their competitiveness in the market. Provide proven and in-demand services, responding to the requests of shippers from around the world.

Door-to-Door shipping Incoterms understanding

While carrying out shipments to various destinations around the world, freight forwarders or carriers are subject to certain obligations contained in the Incoterms series (International Commercial Terms). These three-letter terms are adopted by governments, regulatory bodies, and commercial organizations to standardize and simplify the identification of processes and participants in trade transactions and to improve international trade overall. Refer to our infographic for a more detailed understanding of Incoterms 2020.

Let's take a look at the common terms used for Door-to-door transportation:

  • Foremost, consider DAP (Delivered at Place), as this condition implies that the carrier is responsible for the cargo until it is delivered to the specified address. Also, the specifics of D2D delivery are that the delivery address is determined before the purchase of the cargo. This is necessary to coordinate the shipping route with the carriers. As we have already mentioned, the carrier must deliver the goods to the place, i.e., the address of the consignee's factory or warehouse.

  • DDP (Delivery with Duty) is similar in meaning to the previous term, but in this case, the shipper is responsible for the costs of customs services for export and import.


In our article, we have analyzed how Door-to-door delivery is carried out and what significant nuances of this type of transportation you should consider. Shippers around the world choose D2D for punctual, safe, smooth, and convenient delivery. Meanwhile, carriers are committed to providing customers with quality services and competitive freight rates.

Time to request reliable Door-to-door delivery for your supplies

Request for Door-to-Door delivery

SeaRates is a reliable marketplace and a global forwarding community that will provide you with reliable Door-to-door transportation around the world. All you have to do is fill out a Request a Quote form or contact SeaRates Customer Support for any logistics questions. We work with you to ensure your cargo transportation at favorable tariffs and with reliable carriers.

Reach out to us at [email protected] to fulfill all your shipping necessities.

Sophia Shkuro is a content manager from Dnipro, Ukraine. Believes that the more complex a thing is, the easier it should be to write about it. Dreams of a future vacation by the sea.