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Misc Berhad Nakliye hattı

As a renowned global leader in global marine transportation and logistics services, our strategic partnerships, with both local and international players, help us to perform above and beyond. Our commitment and services define us; our aptitude ensures on-time optimum delivery and performance.

And our horizon continues to expand. With a vast network of shipping ports, land transportation systems and regional offices worldwide, MISC Berhad is geared to continuously explore the boundaries of global success.

In order to lead a fleet of the nation's best professionals, our leaders themselves need to be equipped with a strong set of values, dedication, commitment and professionalism.

As a company that puts in place values that define us as custodians of the MISC Brand – Proactive, Committed and Reliable – we forge ahead, working as team, thinking as one and grasping success as a unified fleet of top-notch MISC men and women.